Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Homework on Who's life is it?

"Agreed. This movie aired on HBO a few times in the early '80's and that was it as far as I can rememember. It hasn't shown up on any network or cable channels either. Funny how some films get shown to death (ex: AMC's eternal marathons of the 007 movies.) And then there are some, like this, that just seem to fall off the face of the earth. Maybe there are legal reasons why it hasn't been released." Why would the government not allowe it to be on DVD maybe because the government wanted to shows the peoples right to die?

1 comment:

  1. Well I guess this person could be right - or maybe because the movie just wasn't good enough to air past its prime. Either way, it wasn't focused on Euthanasia per se. It was more focused on the fact that a patient doesn't have the right to do what he/she wants, and their rights are undermined. By the way, do we get to finish the movie tomorrow?
