Sunday, November 14, 2010

Amy - Mary Hooper

"Deals with difficult issue in a sensitive, mature way - so don't expect any easy answers." The Daily Telegraph

"It's all started after I fell out with Louise and Bethany. Really. It was falling out with them that made me try to find friends somewhere else, and the internet seemed a good place to look. "

The above statement describes the whole book. We are at the age that technology is taking over everything we do. Technology certainly have its advantage, but if we don't use it wisely, you won't want to know what will happen.

Amy is a 17 years old teenager that just recently broke out with her gang containing Louise and Bethany. Amy decided to make new friends by the Internet Chat Rooms. She met ZED, Zed sounds perfectly normal at first. They decided that they will meet up, although knowing that meeting a person from a chat room is definitely not sensible. Amy still did it...

Very interesting book. Very realistic as well. Teaches us a valuable lesson, "Don't meet up with people from the internet alone" This book should be given to all teenagers girls around the world.

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