Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Declaration by Gemma Malley

In Anna's world, her fate had already been destined the very moment she was born - she is a mere asset and nothing more. She was born to obey the rules of Grange Hall, in hopes of one day making up for breaking the biggest rule of all - being born. Life behind the grey walls of Grange Hall are harsh, but it's the only life Anna's ever known.

So when Peter arrives and unfolds tales of the great Outside, Anna is forced with a life-changing decision: live in a lie or escape the past.


This book is by far one of the best books I've read since the start of the school year. It's definitely creative, being set in the year 2140. Anna's world is completely different from ours and the storyline is full of twists. You can never be too sure what's going to happen and the writer keeps you wondering. As the story progresses, the atmosphere becomes more and more tense and it keeps you turning the page.

My only problem is that the book starts to lose its effect towards the end, where everything was perhaps a bit too coincidental. Nevertheless, a must-must-must-read!

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