Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Whose life is this anyway?

"Whose Life Is It Anyway? is an excellent moving film with a first rate performance by Richard Dreyfuss. It's very thought provoking about a person having the right to die. Personally I think his character does make the right choice. Life in a hospital as a vegetable is not a life. However the one thing that's always bothered me is how short the trial is. In similar real life cases, a trial about the issue of right to die would take much more than that one short session. It would probably take months in fact."

I don't necessarily agree with this person's view. I think he is just going through a depressing state when recognized that he would not be able to ever to a human actions again. As said throughout the movie and was portrayed perfectly by Richard Dreyfuss, Harrision was an intelligent man and we should just give him time to pass through this state. As demonstrated throughout the film, he was introduced to various technologies and always refused to eventually use any of it. He just needs to calm down cause in fact, he has so much more to offer to the world, he's not just a sculpture, he is an experienced man and can use his time sitting on his bed giving ideas and contribution to the world. Rather than just sitting there and begging to die.

Please comment :)

and everyone has different opinions, don't argue it here :) We only discuss.


  1. I agree with you, i think if he just calmed down and just allow himself to clear his head and get his emotions straigthened out he has much more to offer to the world than just being a sculpter because as shown in the movie, he is an intellegent and experienced man and shouldn't just throw his life away.

  2. I understand where you guys are coming from, but aren't you basically saying that he should live in order to please other people? In his mind, his life is utterly pointless and he's lost everything already, yet you're saying he should carry on living to benefit the rest of the world?

  3. i agree with Emma. How would you feel if you were lying in bed and u can't move anything and you see people around you trying to make your life better even though you feel like you're already dead. You can't even move. You can't even drink water or eat without the aid of someone else. How would you feel then? Would you feel that you have a reason to live? Wouls you still think that you're much better off than other quadriplegic? No, he would be sitting there in his hospital bed when he cannot even move and he would be thinking. "Wow, my life sucks. I can't even move. I bother people around me. I want to die." that's why people should just let him

  4. but think about it the other way.
    hes conscious, isnt he?
    and he is able to move his head.
    he is just going through hard time. hes going through a depressing state.

  5. I understand what Emma and Michelle are trying to say, but look. What is the purpose of our lives? The purpose of life is not about pleasing other people, but it's about gaining what’s best for us. Now Ken Harrison can't do anything for himself anymore. He's considered euthanasia. But please take into account that Harrison still has his consciousness. Now that he is quadriplegic, Harrison can't do anything apart from just to lying in bed. He wants to die. I respect his opinion, but has he, or any of you, looked beyond that? It's not just about the value of human life that is being lost here. It's the society that is losing. An experienced and intelligent human like him can be a great help to the society. Some of you guys would just say that "That would mean he’s living in order to please other people." However, that is not true. He is living FOR the society. The society NEEDS a person like him to give directions and goals to those who are going to the same way. The worst thing a human can do is commit suicide to end their life. No-one wants to commit suicide, it's a fact. Everyone fears death. I bet you do too. He is still young with a lifetime ahead of him. Ending his life now would mean that he had wasted his precious life. You are saying that death to him now is the best option. Did you think carefully? The last thing that a human being wants is to die. You are basically telling me that this man has no use to society and is worth dying. IS HE? Has he lost everything? I don't think so.

    He’s just going through that stage of life where people can’t find a positive way out of depression. I’ve been there, and I experienced that. Time is what he needs the most. Not death. Please think carefully, as this would not be the best use of his remaining consciousness and intelligence.
