Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Whose life is it anyway?

I don't agree with the main character. I think he should move on living. He can still see, hear, talk to other people and the most important is that he still have a sound mind. He isn't suffering from endless, unbearable pain. Therefore, in my opinion, the problem he has now is the hospital. They treat him like he's in vegetable state and force him to do want he doesn't want. Instead of trying to die, he should find a better place to live.


  1. I agree that his problem IS the hospital, with all its endless forced-treatment and needles, but where else can he stay? If they dispatch him and send him home, he's going to eventually die anyway, and that will therefore be another form of euthanasia (passive). Even if they send him to another hospital, they'll still have to treat him, and therefore, in your words, "treat him like he's in a vegetable state". So in other words, no matter where he goes, he'll still be treated the same way, unless he is given the choice of euthanasia.

    If you think the hospital shouldn't "force him to do what he doesn't want [to]", wouldn't that mean not forcing him to live?

  2. what do you mean by a better place to live?

  3. Yes, I a gree with Emma. Where else could he live? The movie has mentioned that if he got out of the hospital he would die.
