Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Betty's attempt at imitating Daisy

Please don't laugh ): this was taken during MUN days so it may be very weird, but please bear with it....


  1. Nice dumb daisy, "its so pretty!"

    anyway yeah, good materialistic stuff in there all about the looks, succes and the money i like it :)

  2. Yup I agree with Simon! Your dumbness and vacuousness is...good! (HAHA you sound just like yourself.)Also good concentration on Daisy's obsession with money and Gatsby's belongings rather than his personality, but where in particular does this scene come from? It's a bit generalized...

    1. thank you simon and cheryl... i hope i dont sound like that in real life.... (ahem, cheryl.) this scene is after her first reunion with gatsby at his mansion. i hope its ok :S

  3. You did a really good job at showing Daisy's interest in materialism :)
    yes your video is really weird because you face is in slow motion but it helps to highlight how Gatsby's mansion fancies her (your big eyes and o-mouth :) )

  4. Ye... it's kinda weird with the whole slow motion thing... ^^ But you did really well in presenting Daisy's shallowness that she only cares about Gatsby's wealth.
