Sunday, November 14, 2010

Looking For Alaska - John Green

The books begins by the main characters parents, Miles Halter, throwing him a goodbye party as he prepares to leave home from Florida to go to Culver Creek Preparatory School in Alabama.
As Miles moves to his new home in Alabama he gets acquainted with his new roommate Chip 'The Colonel' Martin. The Colonel gives Miles the nickname 'Pudge'. It's ironic as Miles is actually quite a slim character in the book. Miles is later introduced to Alaska Young, a girl who Miles slowly develops a crush on. On his first night Miles taped and thrown into a nearby lake by the 'Weekly Warriors', Birmingham area students and the only apparent reason seems to be is because he's friends with the Colonel. The Colonel and Alaska are furious about the event and soon an all out prank war follows between the three them and the Weekly Warriors. Soon, later in the story, being friends with these pranksters leads him to a new found sense of excitement, danger and most importantly, recklessness...
This novel by John Green opened up a playful side to me as a reader but also pointed out the seriousness and reality of life and how it can be delivered in tragic and surprising ways. Overall this book is very exciting and my blog is only a teaser of what's to come if you decide to read this award winning novel yourself.

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