Thursday, November 18, 2010


This is the 6th book in the House of Night novel. Those of you in my class last year would have seen my blog on the first 5 books but since we can't count books we've read before I have to summarise everything here.

So Zoey is this vampyre(yes I know I spelt vampire wrong but this is how it's spelt in the book) fledging and she is special. Not special in a freak way, special in a "I'm better than all the others" kind of way. So she has these powers for affinities and she can control water, fire, earth, air and spirit. And there's this evil "principal"/teacher who teaches at the vampyre school and she is evil and she tries to rise this bird guy from the dead and it works. So her and the bird guy (Kalona) try to enslave the human race and make vampyres rule the world (cliche much?) and Zoey is going to stop them with her friends and human consort. They go to the High Vampyre Council and talk to them with the evil teacher and Kalona and they try to plead their case. And I cannot tell you anymore cos that would ruin the book but someone dies.

I think that this book is good because I was waiting a really long time for it to come out and when it did it was just soooo AWESOME. I highly recommend this book because it is extremely good but you need to the read the books before you understand it so you can borrow them from me if you want. :) I just realised Twilight has got to be the only book with vampires in it but no evil vampire that wants to enslave the humen race :/