Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Story

Under a hood and cloak was a man ready to kill, a natural leader and a presence that you would tremble in or commend to. Wielding scars above his lips exposing wounded skin where his thin beard couldn’t grow over anymore, while across the left eyebrow a deeper, gut much shorter scar and below, the eyes, the bright brown eyes to a guided, wise and strong individual destined to change history.

Perching from his vantage point on a ledge overhanging a tall house he crouched down carefully in a ready position before analyzing the setting of the roman courtyard marking out possible escape routes after assassinating a Borgia Captain. The best way seemed to be climbing up and fleeing through the rooftops.

Minutes later a small patrol of guards approaches, in front the captain. With a deep breath he leaps from the ledge, triggers his hidden blade, lands on the captain pinning him down and swiftly jabbing the sharp blade into his neck while the accompanying guards watched in shock and amazement giving the hooded man a brief window of time to get up on his feet. Before they could react he fleed through the rooftops

“Assassin…” whispered the guard in trepidation.

Moments later in a wealthy yet small, high class area of Rome he fleed to a large building designed with shined and polished marble etched with intricate designs. This was home to the Leader of the Assassins a strong, confident and knowledgeable man, Ezio Auditore.

And as for the Assassins themselves they are a guild following Ezio in his cause against the Borgia, an evil monarchy feeding off of Rome looking out for only themselves, raising taxes, murdering innocent civilians who stood against them slowly taking the power of Rome away from its people. The Assassins one mission in the city is to fight their corruption and treachery eliminating vital individuals restoring peace and giving the power back to Rome's and its people.

Leading this evil monarchy was a former captain general but now a ruthless tyrant, Cesare Borgia.

Over the last few years the hold on the Borgia have been loosened due to the Assassins and the city had become more free to open businesses, shops and many other services. Blacksmiths, doctors, merchants were setting up more and more driving Rome’s economy and blossoming it.

At the Assassins’ headquarters Ezio summons a meeting. It was the hour of reckoning. “Assassins, it is now that we must strike the Borgia The last of their captains are dead. The final blow must be struck. ” Mere whispering is heard from then.

Their plan commenced and after days of being disguised as civilians they executed the first step of the plan. Met up back at headquarters then changed into their battle attire, long, white silk hooded cloaks, overplayed with metal chest armor flourished with elegant patterns and steel, wrist worn, mechanized hidden blades. The trademark attire for an Assassin accompanied by any other clothing the wielder chose. Their next move was to infiltrate the Borgia castle where Cesare was.

Upon arriving at the castle they split up and climbed the walls by bare hand being taught upon initiation long ago as well as studying the enemy, the raid was excellently weak planned by Ezio. They all knew what their roles, positions and routes where. The Borgia thought they had the Assassins running.

Once finished climbing the walls they sat on towers where they watched patrol routes. Spotting a passing squad of six, six out of the ten Assassins of the took their positions, signaled by Ezio’s hand commands. Running down the separated towers they flanked the guards pulling out their hidden blades and in swift jabs in the neck, the guards fall. The rest of the Assassins follow. Later a wondering guard finds six dead Assassins. Six guards soon accompanied four Assassins to Cesare Borgia.

“My ruler we have four prisoners” says the guard

“At least, did you think you get away, you scum? I would have found you sooner or later” With a proud smirk he commands “Hang them in the town square, let the people see what they think of these so called Assassins. After they hang.”

After being dragged to the town square is was suspicious why the guards who captured the Assassins still lingered for this long. The look on they peoples faces. They looked in anguish. It seemed as if the citizens routed for the Assassins. Cesare had no second thought, he wanted them dead.

The noose was tied around Ezio and four others, then, he spoke. “People of Rome it is now! To liberate ourselves! To cleanse this city of the Borgia. The Assassins are here now! Reunite and take back your city!” The crowd cheered, the plan was had succeeded. Spread rumor of the Assassin liberation, step one, in desperate times people will believe in any savior, positive rumors about Assassins and foul words about the Borgia were the first step. Then the guards cut the rope around the prisoners’ necks. They were Assassins in disguise. It was step two. Lure Cesare out and catch the Borgia off guard. Then the third plan. Cleanse the city.

“Kill him! Kill him! Kill Him!” chanted the citizens. But Ezio was merciful.

“Cesare, you, by the people have been banished from Roma. Leave!” The chanting faded. The peoples faces looked as if they accepted his punishment.

Then, accompanied by Ezio and the Assassins, they drove his carriage away into the sunset, both sides were never seems again. Besides for the dispatching groups of Borgia, leaving Rome to start over.

If you read through ALL of this, nice! I kind of wrote a bit too much but trust me i did try to make it shorter.


  1. Glad to see you used a thesauras Max.
    Lots of cliches, i think the background can be more detailed and descriptive eg. the tall house. Where is the tall house? what does it look like? etc...

  2. ok ;) i'll work on that Dai, thanks on being the first to comment.

  3. -.- *coughassassin'screddcough* and yes max. i kno cos ive played all three games -.-
