Thursday, February 10, 2011

Zenomite - Dai Champion

Long ago, there was a group called the Knight of the Light. These knights' uniform had the emblem of trust the Holy Knights were. They were there to prevent and halt any chaos against the Kings and Gods. However, one of the most trusted generals of the King, Sir Devildom was plotting against the King to overpower him. On the night of the 13 Stars, The King held his grand feast. Devildom crashed the King's royal dine and challenged his power. The enfeebled King stood no chance against the Devildom’s Dark Forces and had his life taken away along with all the Knights of Light.

After that day, the world fell into chaos. There was nobody to stand up against Devildom. Many have tried but all have fail until the Gods dealt with Devildom and sealed up him and his army of Darkness. Yet the hero who will protect the civilians will break the seal and challenge the wicked General. The gods give the dwarves an enchanted sword for the hero in his battle.

In the human village of Lithero, there was the chosen one Erard. He was athletic, strong and very good looking and there is his half brother Zeno, the loser, the zero, the person no one likes. They were chosen to go and fight. The villagers were unsure why Zeno went…

On the way to the Dwarves’ mountain, the two young men came along some difficult of Shadow Elves pursuing them. Since Erard was the stronger out of the two, he knocked out the Shadow Elves. Zeno had located the dungeon, which led to the village of Dwarves.

The dwarves, who misread the situation, thought that the boys were intruders that want to take the sword as a treasure of their personal use. Erard got arrogant and boasted that he is the chosen one and he will challenge anyone for the sword. The biggest of the Dwarves, Colon who stood 7-feet height, had the hands the size in which can crush skulls. Colon challenged both the boys in a weapon battle.

Erard, who was so full of him self, gladly accepted the task whereas Zeno was a coward of himself and turned it down but was forced to fight because of his brother. Erard shown first blood and strike viciously at Colon. Colon parried the attack like he was a fly trying to bite him but failing each and every time. Colon’s defensive skills were overwhelming against Erard’s aggressiveness. Colon attacked Zeno, while just evading the swift sword swing. Zeno’s shirt was ripped and cut. Zeno fainted; lying on the floor, a dwarf noticed on his arm was his birthmark. It was the shape of a sword but it wasn’t any sword it was the God’s sword. He was the chosen one.

After Zeno’s awakening, he saw Erard infuriated claiming there is a mistake. As strong and handsome was Erard might be Zeno had the heart and the respect for others. The Dwarves knew the legend, if the sword can be lifted that person is the chosen one whether they are criminals, dark elves or dwarves for their case.

The two warriors climbed to the top of the mountain. Erard wanting to prove he is the right choice, rushed to the top. He attempted to lift the sword, as hard as he tried, the sword didn’t budge. When Zeno got to the peak. He lifted the sword as if it was a feather. Suddenly, an aura appeared around Zeno. Erard didn’t believe his eyes and burst into anger and tears. Erard challenged Zeno. Zeno had to fight him or Erard kill everyone. Before Erard struck his sword broken. In full of shame, Erard fled out of the village.

Zeno is confused whether he should ask his brother to calm down. But there is no turning back now; he must fight the Traitor of the Knights of Light. On his way to the Tombs of Sealed Ones, the General was already released and resurrected, but who could of revived Devildom?

Zeno rushed to the graveyard, saw his brother sacrificed his body for the spirit of Devildom to overtake and absorb his flesh and bones.

Devildom is there, stand high and tall in Zeno’s brother’s corpse. His Dark Amour vanquishes every ray of light but the ray of Zeno’s sword.

Devildom looks at Zeno, aiming him as the first victim of darkness. In everyway Devildom was like Erard. They fight alike, their tempers. Could it be a conscience or Devildom is his father?

Devildom shrieking at his mortal enemy; “You must be the child of my Former King”

Zeno stood there and said nothing. Deep inside filled with fury and anger until the sword drags Zeno striking the Corrupted General. Their blades converged making the sound of grating steel. The battle went on for hours until Devildom slipped. Zeno took advantage of his situation struck Devildom’s decided fate. Devildom is gone.

Using all of the hero’s adrenaline causing a heart attack giving the young man a happy death. He fulfilled his destiny. Afterwards the sword was named Zenomite, reflecting on the hero’s name and strength.


  1. Nice story line, but next time i think try to include some diaglouges to make the story more intersting.

  2. well, i think it needs to be more descriptive therefore i think i'm going to cut it shorter and expand on detail and possibly include more dialogue
    Thanks for the idea
